You are welcome to read some of my client’s feedback
Hello dear Leda,
This is my testimony
Leda m’a accompagnée sur une période charnière et particulièrement tourmentée de ma vie. Des évènements personnels et professionnels ont généré un grand stress et une impression de n’avoir plus du tout d’options ouvertes devant moi. Leda m’a aidée à éclairer le passage et à mettre en place tous les éléments et à canaliser mon énergie pour que mon quotidien redevienne serein. En moins de 2 ans tout s’est apaisé et le bout du tunnel est apparu.
Merci pour votre présence et votre aide.

Since meeting Leda Green, I’ve experienced a profound transformation in just a few sessions. I feel like a new person—energized, happy, and filled with love and empathy. The changes have been remarkable: my stomach feels great with a welcomed appetite, my mind is clear and focused, and my muscles and skin are wonderfully relaxed. I now fall asleep easily and wake up feeling amazing. Even my fingernails are growing, and my sensitivity to sunlight has improved significantly. I can stand the heat much better these days. I can’t wait to see what comes next. Thank you, Leda!
Hello ,
I met Leda 15 years ago. I arrived at the meeting with her very skeptical, and I remember that my mother persuaded me to go with her, so we went. The first meeting profoundly shook me with its level of accuracy and made me think about and also check my health. Leda helped me find medical assistance and ensure that I was taking care of myself properly. After the first meeting, I came for a second one, this time alone, and the things discussed there resonated with me. We didn’t meet for about a year or so, and after a very significant personal event in my life, I remembered Leda’s face and decided to go see her again. Since that third meeting, Leda has been with me, supporting me. Leda is a pillar for me and always presents things in a positive light. Sitting with her in the same room is powerful and moving, and it’s hard to put that feeling into words because words are too small to describe the experience. Leda is always there for me, even today when I don’t live in the same country as her. I communicate with her directly, and she is always present and available. Leda’s wonderful ability, her divine gift, has completely changed my life and lifted me from states of despair and very significant crises. I recommend everyone to meet Leda, to go with an open mind and heart for a transformative adventure that will change your life is important to mention that Leda can support you no matter where you are living around the globe, she has been supporting me from far for the last 4 years, living in different continents, and different time zones and it still feels like she is next to me just a text /phone call away.
I shared my experience with many of my closet and dear friends and they started to see Leda followers as well and started seeing her routinely as well! Thanking me for introducing her to them , appreciate the fact she came into their life.
She is just present in my life always!
Best regards,
Talya Brian
“Dear clients of Leda Green,
I am taking upon myself to write a short testimony in light of this new era we find ourselves existing in.
My name is Shelley Bukspan, I am a Music College lecturer, tutor, vocal coach and vocal workshops facilitator, as well as a creative artist and performer.
When I heard that some of Leda’s clients are concerned or doubtful weather remote sessions are beneficial or even effective – I was amazed.
I met Leda in 2000 when both our children were learning their instruments in Ramat Gan’s Conservatory.
I have been receiving treatments from Leda remotely for over 20 years now. I live in Dublin, Ireland, and see Leda in person only once a year. I can attest to the absolute fact that the treatment I receive remotely is neither less nor more effective when in person. Leda has also been treating my family members remotely for the same number of years. My sister lived in the U.S and the rest of my family in Israel. All with excellent results and much support and guidance.
From bringing down temperature, anxiety levels, easing excruciating pain to helping recover after major strokes and operations – we’ve experienced it all remotely. Only recently, on the last days before the lockdown, I had a swelling in my left wrist that turned blue throughout the morning. I showed my colleagues before heading into class. A few hours later I showed them my wrist again – the swelling had mostly gone down, I had no pain, and the blue colour faded. I simply sent a text, as I always do when I’m in trouble, and that’s that! A very mundane procedure I experience with Leda from time to time.
This is not some sort of magical power or ‘gift’ as we imagine it to be. Leda Green is a highly skilled professional in her field with decades of experience, who has dedicated her life to become the expert that she is. We are all very fortunate that she decided on this root rather than the one she almost pursued after graduating college in the U.K.
If you are a client of Leda and/or have been the recipient of any form of energy healing in the past, you will understand that this kind of healing transcends the need of physical presence in order to be effective.
As a teacher and lecturer who had to move to online classes within days, I had to learn how to create the dynamic and ‘energy’ in the room we take for granted in class. But I did. And it works to a degree. I had to adapt to so many different dynamics over these past weeks, some frustrating more than others.
One thing that didn’t have to change was my dynamic with Leda’s treatments. Still remote, still effective.
I hope you all find this helpful.
Keep safe, well balanced, and at peace.
Shelley Bukspan”
לידה יקרה,
איזה מקסימה את!
את מרגשת אותי מאד.
תודה על התשובה שעשתה לי שקט.
כמות התמיכה, הבטחון והאהבה שאני מרגיש ממך פשוט מדהימים.
שיהיה שבוע נהדר.
המון תודה ואהבה